This platform will ensure the continuity of medical care, interoperability of MHSD RK (Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan) existing systems, automated collection of relevant, accurate and complete information to ensure the safe, fair, high-quality and sustainable healthcare system focused on the needs of patients.

A key element of e-health will be an e-health passport that provides a logical structure for storing and sharing key data on human health and is a tool for implementation of health system objectives aimed at improving the availability and quality of medical services, as well as management improving at all levels.
Implementation of e-health based on the use of international standards will ensure full interoperability between the information systems involved in supporting of health processes. Integration of third-party systems is an important ability of the new architecture that allows to build a single information space with involvement a wide range of stakeholders, primarily end users, in the development process, which is a necessary condition for ensuring the quality and dynamics of e-health development.